
Monday, November 17, 2014

Simple Suggestion

Welcome back! Recently I feel like everyone I talk to is going through a difficult time. Facebook seems inundated with posts about people experiencing hard stuff. Friends I talk with are sharing some serious hardships. Do you guys notice this trend in your conversations and on social media too? I'm not saying people are complaining or worse, shamelessly fishing for sympathy or attention. Quite the opposite actually, I feel like there is genuine outreach happening and in turn, I've seen some really supportive responses. How does that quote go? "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." #truethat

I want to give you a little unsolicited yet practical advice someone wise once shared with me. Her thoughts have really helped me in my own situation. She said you can't necessarily change what's going on, but if you change just one of your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors the other two will follow

I really admire the idea of being capable of changing just one component, and therefore your life in such a tangible way. I hope this is something you can use to help reframe the way you look at or approach a battle you may be going through. And if not, there's always Patron. (*wink.)
Outfit: Sweater | Distressed denim jacket | Floral track pants: old, similar HERE + HERE | Shoes | Glasses | Earrings | Bracelet: no longer available, similar HERE | Watch



  1. Love this outfit and this post! So true, you really gave me something to think about. Love it girly!

  2. Ashley, thank you so much for your comment! You really have no idea how much it means to me.

  3. I love this outfit! Those floral pants are SO cute. I just grabbed some gray joggers and I've been living in them. I want to wear them for every outfit post. Haha! Great advice. Attitude is everything. Have a great day! =)

    1. Miranda, right?! 😉 Hope you have a great day too. Thanks for visiting the blog!
