
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Just Run With It

When Cory called this morning and said that a co-worker had noticed me on BuzzFeed, I couldn't believe it. It's the first time I've ever seen my name or photo's published somewhere other than my blog. Clearly they were just sighting where the photo they used came from, but I'm going to run with it! Much like Savannah is seen doing here. In a fancy dress. At the park. You know what they say, there's no such thing as "bad" publicity! Or a bad day to play dress up for that matter. 
You can check it out via Buzzfeed HERE.
Which basically just features the photo I took a few days back. You know, this one:
Crazy right?! I'm pretty stoked. Even if it means I'm a clean freak. Or an impulsive shopper. Both of which I can neither confirm or deny. Did I mention Buzzfeed has 218k followers? Eeek! 


  1. Yes!!!! So excited. As soon as I saw this I had to let Cory know. I was so excited. Glad you were too! 😀

    1. Literally, you have no idea! I would have never known of it weren't for thank you! So fun. 👏🏻

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ally! It was pretty cool, I'm not going to lie...
