
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Food Journal

Stacy is back with the final installment of health tips, specifically how journaling can impact your health...

How many times have you sat in the doctors office and you're asked "how have you been feeling lately?" Then you think back over the last week or so and all you can come up with is "good". You don't remember the details. Journaling or maintaining a diary can help bring awareness to your eating and daily lifestyle habits. Capturing these details is important. When you capture how you feel physically and emotionally it can be a useful reference later, and can start to reveal certain patterns you were never aware of before. Things you don't pay much attention to might start to jump off the page and reveal certain food sensitivities, bad habits, or times of day when your energy is low.

Here are a few topics to help you get started:
  • What are you eating and when?
  • How do you feel emotionally (and physically) before and after your meals?
  • What time of day are you exercising and what type of exercise are you doing?
  • How do you feel emotionally and physically before and after you exercise?

Stacy recommends finding time each week to look back over your journal. She said you may be surprised at what you find and the improvements you can begin to make. This was definitely true for me, and has brought me to a whole new (and exciting) place in my health and wellness journey. 

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