
Monday, August 17, 2015

Getting Organized | Three Steps.

 First off, let me clarify: I am totally wearing pants here. Well, shorts. But this side slit tunic (especially when sitting) looks all kinds of scandalous. Now that we've cleared that up I wanted to take a minute and share the top three ways I have gotten myself more organized over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it was the back to school vibe in the air, or maybe I just got fed up with feeling just one step behind all the time, whatever it was I decided I was ready to do something about it. So here's what I did:

1. I made a list. The first step is admitting you have a problem. So many little things were falling through the cracks. I'd forget to pick up our dry cleaning when it was ready, or I wouldn't have the red pepper that I needed for our dinner one night. Individually these things aren't a big deal, but when a couple string together each day you can start to feel a little out of control. Writing out a list of the things I wanted to change was the starting point for me. It could be as simple as a to-do list for each day, or meal planning at the start of the week, or keeping your desk organized by clearing it off daily.

2. You guessed it. I got a planner. I've mentioned this in a previous post, but I can't stress enough how important it is to keep all of your dates/notes/reminders organized and in one place. For me, it was a matter of having a clear (and attractive looking) visual guide that I could write on and glance at all at once.

3. I asked for help. One of the bullet points on my list was something I didn't really know how to tackle myself. I had no experience with it, and to be honest I didn't really know where to start. So I asked. I talked with someone who suggested a plan, and walked me through each step as they would have done it. I know it seems obvious to reach out for guidance, but too often we are embarrassed or worried about looking dumb. The bottom line is, you won't know until you ask!

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