Wednesday, July 9, 2014


It's finally here! Hip Hop Hooray! officially launched today and I couldn't be more excited. Finding the time and resources to get this blog started took me longer than I care to admit. Between not really knowing where to begin, and having two young babes, I found myself at a standstill. Then I saw a quote on Pinterest that said, "if you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it." And that's exactly what I did.

The first step was deciding on a name. This process was the most time consuming and was somewhat like naming a child. I wanted it to be something fun, yet timeless. A name that could grow with me, that wasn't too trendy or in the moment. Hip Hop Hooray! covered all of my bases. I liked the throwback reference to 90's gangster rap, and the way it made me feel like celebrating. Next up was my tag line. "Celebrate everyday life" is one of my personal motto's. I think I got this trait from my Mom. Finding a way to make ordinary things feel special is her forte. I hope to share some of that with you...

Let's do this.



  1. Woo hoo! So excited for you, Traci! You are stylish, sweet, witty, so in love with your sweet family, and an excellent writer. Can't wait to see all of the fun this blog brings to you and the world!

    1. Thank you Megan! I love that the possibilities are endless. You truly inspire me as a mama who does it all!
