Thursday, November 20, 2014


I don't know about you, but I'm doing my very best to fight back the strong urge to roll out Christmas.  I sneak in a festive song here and there, but for the most part I want to make sure I focus on being thankful, and not skipping over the importance of matter how much I want to put up our tree.

Christmas has so many fun traditions that make the holiday special, something to really look forward to each year. I want Thanksgiving to hold that same excitement and sense of tradition for Savannah and Hudson. Serving the homeless Thanksgiving morning was a tradition my parents started for us, and something I would love to recreate for my babes as they get older. I also love the idea of a thankful jar, where each day the babes can write or draw one thing they are thankful for leading up until Thanksgiving. Do you have any fun traditions that center around service or being thankful? I'd love to hear how you celebrate and show gratitude.
 Outfit: Top: old, similar HERE | Skirt | Jacket | Shoes | Bag: unavailable online, similar HERE + HERE | Sunglasses | Watch | Chain ring | Threadbare ring
Note my mini blogette taking pics above, bottom left corner. I seriously love her. 

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