Monday, February 23, 2015

Hooray At Home

Welcome back. The title of this post is also going to be the official hashtag (what's a project without a hashtag anyway?) of my slow reveal of all things home. As I've mentioned before, our house is still a work in for now it will be snapshots here and there of new purchases and projects. I really hope you enjoy!

Speaking of new purchases, I recently found this cool and colorful rug which I think makes the perfect addition to our living room. For a girl who was anti-rug for quite a while, I now feel ready to bring back this grounding element to our space. Plus, there is no arguing the instant style vibe a rug lends to any room. My anti-rug tendencies were all based on upkeep. A handwoven option like this one is really nice because you can literally roll it up and shake it out or throw it in the washing machine if need be. I think I'm in love. 

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